Disinfection Cleaning Services
With years of experience decontaminating public and private work areas
Patriot are ready, willing and able to serve you in the fight against COVID-19. For safe decontamination of outdoor spaces with minimal downtime, our pressure cleaning services are available for rapid deployment across Australia.

We provide highest-grade commercial and industrial cleaning solutions for external and open areas that may be contaminated with the Novel Coronavirus.
Environments which may be at risk include construction sites, industrial sites, freight or vehicle hubs, public (governmental) facilities and outdoor amenities of private businesses.
Patriot Environmental Management's disinfection division is dedicated to supplying high pressure disinfection units and combination jetting units for treatment of small, medium and large outdoor communal areas.
Our commitment is to provide an industry-leading service. We follow the highest levels of safety and hygiene as specified by the Australian Government's Department of Health. The result is efficient and cost effective with minimal downtime specifically for high-transit outdoor working environments and public spaces.
Our teams are experienced and fully trained in the use of highest-grade commercial disinfectants which also conform to environmental regulations. You can trust that the hospital-grade products used do not harm the environment and are completely safe for people returning to the treated area.

Daycare Centres, Schools & Universities

Bus Terminals
& Shelters

Rail Stations
& Platforms

Construction Sites &
Communal Areas

Shopping Centres
& Trolley Bays

Roadways, Sidewalks
& Street Furniture

Shopfronts &
High Foot Traffic Zones

Council Parks
& Playgrounds